Thursday, April 28, 2005

Jews return to Russia from Israel

Don't know what to make of this....

Once desperate to leave, now Jews are returning to Russia, land of opportunity
April 28, 2005 the light of what I know about both historic & current Russian anti-semitism, eg this story from a couple of months ago:
Jewish leaders in Moscow are preparing to take twenty Russian MPs to court for signing a letter, along with 500 intellectuals, which accuses Jews of committing ritual murder, satanism, and calling for all Jewish organisations to be banned.

Russian nationalists urge Jewish groups ban
A group of Russian nationalist MPs have called on the prosecutor-general to ban all Jewish groups, blaming them for provoking anti-Semitism and ethnic hatred. The letter, signed by 20 members of the Duma, accuses Jews of dominating politics and the world of finance abroad and underwriting a war on Russian patriotism at home.

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