Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The First Step to Britishness Is Your Poppy

A thought-provoking opinion piece on identity and assimilation begins with the author's surprised observation that not one person on Edgware Road, the most densely Muslim section of London, was wearing a Rememberance Day poppy.

The First Step to Britishness Is Your Poppy
November 25, 2005


dan said...

Well I think all the impdecers should declare our own poppy wearing. How many of us pass the JP Tebbit poppy test? (Andy & I do.)

Anyway in the interests of balance here are some young Muslim voices from the BBC's website. Or you can read more of a digest at Harry's Place.

JP said...

I always buy a poppy. Sometimes on the morning of the 11th, admittedly.