Friday, December 09, 2005

Goodbye Routemaster

Was talking about this the other day with Dan and Andy. The "dehumanised moron" doing the ridding is in the Today report. The only reason is the disability one, a point demolished in the Telegraph opinion piece.

Livingstone and the 'morons' have killed off the Routemaster


Fans' farewell to Routemaster bus
This is London
9 December 2005

London Mayor Ken Livingstone offered a hostage to fortune in 2001 by saying that "only a ghastly dehumanised moron would want to get rid of the Routemaster".


BBC Radio 4
Today Programme

0838 Today is the last day that the red double-decker buses known as the Routemaster will be on the streets of London. Stephen Pound, a Labour MP who used to be a bus conductor, contributes to our report.

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1 comment:

dan said...

I too mourn the passing of the Routemaster (I made a point of riding the last routemaster 73 up Tottenham High Road.) I also think conductors were a good idea and were a deterrent to loutish / criminal behaviour.

However, in fairness here is some stuff from one of the Mayor's public meetings. (It's quite dense - search for the word 'Routemaster' once you've opened the link.) He claims the bendy bus is more popular. Haven't found any evidence to back him up though.

Here's a rare anti routemaster article. (Just to even things up a bit.)

In the mid-50s there was similar gnashing of teeth over the demise of the trolley bus. They even made a film called The Elephant Never Forgets about the last trolley bus journey. Its replacement was universally loathed, described as ugly and squat, a nasty red bug. It was the Routemaster.