Sunday, May 29, 2005

Johann says boycott bulldozers not academics

An interesting article on the academic boycott of Israel from Uncle Johann. He condemns the academic boycott (which has just been overturned) but is also highly critical of Israel. Looking forward to hearing from JP on this one.

Boycott the worst of Israel, not the best
An academic boycott is wrong; fighting Caterpillar is right

I know I could have added this to the academic boycott thread but I have a feeling this is really a new topic to do with criticism of / sanctions against Israel.

Oh, and while we're on the subject may I recommend
Palestine by Joe Sacco. It's a description of the first intifada in comic book form. It is not unpartisan but I think it's well worth reading, particularly for those whose sympathies for Israel (and I would include myself here) may make them want to avoid looking at the reports of human rights abuses in the occupied territories.

1 comment:

dan said...

Some interesting letters from the Indy. These are about the boycott:

And these respond more directly to Uncle Johann:

One is from the Board of Deputies of British Jews (strongly anti-any boycott as you might imagine) and a rather thoughtful one from a man called Eric Lee who suggests that the best move is to listen to peace activists on both sides and who suggests that maybe there is nothing that people outside of the situation can do to bring about peace.