Wednesday, March 09, 2005

JP's bedtime reading

Back in the office - 15 million emails from JP with links to various neocons (and a few from SD who I hope will contribute soon.)

JP is currently wary of blogging as he feels some nefarious web space provider will interfere with his archive. Looks like he won't come on board till he finds a blogspot exit strategy.

In the meantime, here's a small selection from the googleplex of links I received when I checked my email. Some of these articles are undoubtedly quite interesting.

Anyway JP writes:

"Just as the Independent starts asking if Bush was right, a timely note of caution from the prescient Pipes:" (Pipes is big JP fave - I'll probably put up a permanent link to his site soon.)

A Neo-Conservative's Caution

by Daniel Pipes New York Sun March 8, 2005
[NYS title: "Good News Could End In Mideast"]

Blood for Oil?No Oil Money for Bloody Terrorists
by Victor Davis HansonTribune News Services March 8, 2005

Oil is pumped out of the ground in the Middle East at costs of between $5 and $8 a barrel. Through the power of a cartel, it is then sold to the world for $50.
(Strikes me as one of those stats that everyone ought to know, and few do.... JP)

And here's one from SD (who I hope will join us soon):

Islamism - fascism - terrorism
Asia Times Online is worth checking every so often for a chap called Spengler, who's good value, especially as it's free.

And finally (from me) in the interest of balance - here's a link to Johann Hari's thoughts on

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