Actually the pun has little to do with the article, though there is a tenuous science connection.
Anyway, I know Steyn has a lot of fans here. I also believe that many contributors are pro-choice when it comes to abortion.
So I thought you'd be interested in Steyn's (inevitable) provocative contribution to the debate.
The Strange Death of the Liberal West
Go on admit it, Steyn is great!
I can't quite concede JP's Steyn is great point. Wondered how y'all felt about his views on abortion.
His views on abortion do indeed merit discussion... I generally agree with Steyn on a lot of things, so it's always a slight shock when I find we don't agree (he wrote one "Eat the Whales" article I profoundly disagreed with).
Continue here or by mail?
Continue here - or maybe start new Steyn thread. Absence from the blog has been due to business not lack of interest. Will catch up soon.
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