Monday, January 09, 2006

Long live the British Sergeant Major


Stand by your ironing boards
By John Keegan

Accompanied by his father the Prince of Wales, Prince William, 23, was spared the traditional chore of carrying in his ironing board as he arrived at Sandhurst yesterday to begin his training as an Army officer. When I first knew Sandhurst, at the end of the Fifties, an ironing board was not one of a new cadet's necessities. Now it is.

The Army thinks that ironing improves an officer's character as well as appearance, just as polishing boots does. It is laborious and time-consuming work and incompetence provides a drill sergeant with many opportunities for criticism.

No doubt Prince William's colour sergeant has been rehearsing the line: "Mr Wales, Sir, idle trousers." Perhaps something wittier will emerge to pass into Sandhurst folklore, along with the unforgettable reproof: "Mr King of Jordan, Sir, you are an idle little monarch".

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