Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Guardian's Simon Jenkins on The Guardian

This article by Simon Jenkins in The Guardian is extraordinary.

I don't know sure what I'm more shocked by:

(1) That the Guardian ran a supplement that appeared to be it's own editorial but was in fact paid for by the Government.


(2) That the Guardian published an article by Jenkins on the same story where he effectively accuses his own newspaper of being an accesory to Government sleaze.

Here are the money quotes:

'Inducing newspapers to dress public relations as journalism in a ministerial spat with the Treasury is close to sleaze'


'None of the writers (nor The Guardian's readers) was told of this, or that their fees were being paid, in effect, by the Blair government. Some were given to understand that they were writing for The Observer.'

1 comment:

Andy said...

I agree that the Guardian deserves some credit for holding itself to account here. Would other UK papers if they found themselves in a similiar position do the same?