Saturday, September 17, 2005

Short, tall, fat, thin, pretty, ugly

Hey, Gorgeous, Here's a Raise! As for you fatties, we're cutting your salaries.
Steven E. Landsburg
July 9, 2001

Short Changed - Why do tall people make more money?
Steven E. Landsburg
March 25, 2002

From the Short Persons Support Web site:

Standing Tall Against Discrimination
My name is Matt and I am 28 years old. I am 5'5" tall. ... I seem to get laughed at a lot. HA HA HA! I'm the little short guy.

Understanding and Living with Height Discrimination
The current order is that tall white guys (TWG) rule, and are unwelcoming to anybody who would not fit in.

At least the shorties are more environmentally friendly:
Advantages of Shorter Height

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